Course Description
CEVNI Test The CEVNI Rules (Code Européen des Voies de la Navigation Intérieure) are applicable to most European inland navigable waterways. For operators of pleasure craft cruising European inland waterways, we are authorised to carry out a CEVNI assessment test to check the skipper’s knowledge of the signs and rules and to sign their application to the RYA to indicate that they have successfully completed the CEVNI test. CLICK HERE for more information on the CEVNI from the RYA Copies of relevant documents can be downloaded from the Documentation section below.
Course Prerequisites and Requirements
- UK Resident
- 16+ years of age
- Physically and mentally fit to operate a pleasure craft
Planned Course Events
CEVNI Training Presentation
Current issue (Rev 5) of CEVNI (Code Européen des Voies de la Navigation Intérieure) Rules
Guide to the CEVNI Rules