Membership Classes and Fees

The classes of Membership open to new members are:

Membership Type Description Subscription Voting Rights
Joining Fee Event Subsidy
SINGLE 1 member over 18 yrs £32.00 1 vote
£10.00 YES
FAMILY 1/2 adults + children under 18 yrs £37.00 1 vote by first-named adult
£10.00 YES
JOINT 2 adults + children under 18 yrs £53.00 1 vote by each adult
£10.00 YES

If you join YOSC between 1st January and 31st May inclusive, you are required to pay the full annual subscription for the class of membership for that year.

If you join YOSC between 1st June and 30th September inclusive, you are required to pay a reduced subscription of 50% of the annual subscription for the class of membership.

If you join YOSC after 30th September, you are required to pay the full annual subscription for the class of membership but this will provide membership up to the end of the year following the year in which you join.

All membership applications will attract the appropriate Joining Fee